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iNOVA plastic injection molding machines are hydraulic machines that incorporate energy efficient technology such as the servomotor system. Through this technology, our plastic injection molding machines achieve energy savings that can reach up to 70% compared to a conventional machine. In this way, we manage to increase the competitiveness of our customers since the manufacturing cost is much lower. It is also worth mentioning that the engine response is improved, achieving faster accelerations while reducing noise emissions.
Our plastic injection molding machine adapts to any requirement, being able to combine different injection units depending on the needs. The standard equipment of the machines is very complete since it incorporates among others hydraulic cores, blowers, euromap 12 for robot, high performance loading motor, closed ring injection, automatic mold height adjustment, automatic pressure adjustment, etc.
Standard equipment
Technical table
We solve your doubts.
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For more than 40 years we have been offering practical solutions and personalized advice in the plastics sector. We have a multidisciplinary human team with extensive experience in the sector and always with a clear focus on the client and their needs.
Ctra. Albal-Beniparrell CV33,
Km. 0,05
46470 – Albal (Valencia) España
Equipamientos J.Puchades, S.L.U. ha sido objeto de la concesión de ayudas por parte de la Generalitat Valenciana, dentro del Programa de subvenciones destinada al programa fomento de la conversión a indefinido de contratos temporales de determinados colectivos vulnerables en el ámbito territorial de la Comunidad Valenciana, regulado en la Orden 10/2018 de 12 de Julio de la Consellería de Economía Sostenible, Sectores Productivos, Comercio y Trabajo Publicada en el DOGV de 16 de Julio de 2018, programa 32251, línea de subvención S7979000, cofinanciado por el Fondo Social Europeo.
La ayuda ha sido ECOVUL/2021/932/46 por un importe de 25.270 €
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