Carousel system for cardboard boxes

Sistema en carrusel para cajas de cartón


  • Carousel storage system for filling cardboard boxes of standard dimensions 400×600 mm.
  • When the selected quantity is reached, the “Dolly Carousel” rotates the containers so that an empty one is placed in the loading area.


  • The boxes are placed on dollies, all of the same predetermined size, fixed on a central chain.
  • The boxes can be filled by means of a robotic arm or a conveyor belt.
  • The crates are filled one at a time, so that at each crate change (the next empty crate replaces the one just filled in the loading position) corresponds to a platform shift.
  • The correct positioning of the next empty box is ensured by a locking device.
  • Genius control panel that allows the counting of the cycles for the correct automation of the process.
  • Standard motor supply voltage 400 V / 50 Hz.

Technical table

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